
KU•ePay是正规的赌博app的在线计费和支付服务, 哪个提供在线查看和支付学生账户账单的功能, 24小时/天, 一周七天.

学生可以授权他人访问他们的KU•ePay账户并代表他们付款.  这些个人被称为“授权用户”.授权用户的例子可能包括父母, 《正规赌博十大网站》, 配偶, 祖父母及其他家庭成员/非家庭成员. 授权用户具有与学生类似的功能,可以查看账单和支付历史, 然而, 他们不能编辑自己的授权用户帐户或设置其他授权用户.


    • 查看学生帐户活动
    • 查看账单报表和历史记录
    • 在线支付学生账户账单
    • 授权家长或其他人在线查看和/或支付他们的大学账单
    • 获取1098-T税表


    以确保您将能够到达正规的赌博app支付网站, 请禁用浏览器中的弹出窗口拦截器. 


    如果您有任何问题或需要帮助,请发电子邮件 studentaccounts@givetowater.com 或致电(810)762-9552.

    学生 & 授权用户

    如果您因COVID-19疫情而面临财务挑战, 请联络学生帐户(studentaccounts@givetowater.com)检讨延期付款计划的选择.



    以现金的形式支付, personal check or money order may be made in person at the 学生会计处 during normal business hours or deposited at any time in the 学生账户 drop box (located outside the 学生会计处). 现金支付只在美国接受.S. 美元. 支票和汇款单必须用美元.S. 美元,从美国银行提款.S. 付款人必须是“正规的赌博app”。. Payment must include the student’s identification number to ensure credit to the student’s account. 不能接受远期支票(带有未来日期的支票).

    如果付款是邮寄的,请允许至少10个工作日的标准美国.S. 邮政服务在到期日之前派递. 请检查您的学生帐户,以确认您的付款已收到. 



    对于所有退回的支票,学生账户将收取25美元的费用, 汇款单和银行汇票. 除了, 返回检查, 汇款单和银行汇票 related to hold releases and registration will result in dis-enrollment.

    收据不能邮寄. 非亲身缴付的款项,将不获发收据.

    正规的赌博app的首选支付方式是通过KU•ePay在线支付. 为了减少在校园内携带现金或纸质支票的风险, 我们建议使用KU•ePay, 它提供使用在美国银行持有的标准支票或储蓄账户进行在线支付的服务.S. 银行免费. This payment method requires you to enter the bank account and routing number and will be processed as an ACH transaction. 可使用信用卡(MasterCard, Visa, 发现和American Express)在线支付. A 2.所有信用卡交易将收取85%不可退还的服务费. Credit card payments will only be accepted at no fee in person for non-tuition and related fees/charges, 比如停车罚款, 图书馆罚款和毕业费. 一旦在线支付流程完成, 付款将实时转到学生账户. 然而, 请注意在系统中断的情况下, online payments will be posted in a batch update process by the evening of the next business day. 也, 如果有资金支持的话, 等待将在流程完成后被释放, 前提是付款符合持有的金额.

    如需个性化帮助,请联系 学生会计处.

    正规的赌博app接受现金支付, 个人支票, 本票和汇票. 在线支付选择是电子支票(ACH免费)或信用卡(万事达卡), 发现, Visa和美国运通)通过TouchNet PayPath, 第三方在线支付服务.

    一旦您登录到KU•ePay, you can view financial history by term by selecting “Account Activity” from the “My Account” drop down menu. 点击想要的术语,详细的术语活动将被查看. 可选择打印,下载Excel格式或创建一个 .活动的PDF档案.

    1. 登录KU•ePay(通过本页上的学生或授权用户按钮).
    2. 从顶部菜单中,选择MAKE PAYMENT.
    3. Select your payment term and confirm the amount to pay (you may edit the value enclosed in the box to the far right).
    4. 选择所需的付款方式:信用卡通过PayPath, 电子支票(支票/储蓄帐户), 或者银行电汇.
    5. 输入您的银行信息并按照指示授权付款.

    Those wishing to make payments to the student account via wire transfer should do so using Western Business Solutions through KU•ePay. This option allows the student and authorized users to pay the student account balance in the local currency and provides a simple and secure way of initiating a payment electronically.

    注意: The 学生会计处 cannot accept a wire transfer in excess of the amount due on the student account. 如果收到的转帐金额超过帐户余额, 多余的金额可能会退还给发件人. (家庭 wanting to provide their student with funds for living expenses should transfer funds directly to the student’s personal bank account).



    • 你用你选择的货币付款,然后这笔金额被转换成美元.S. 美元.
    • The exchange rate quote is locked in for your payment for three (3) business days after the quote is obtained.


    • The exchange rate is very competitive when compared to your financial institution’s retail rates, and bank service fees may be reduced since the wire transfer that you initiate is a local transfer.
    • 西联汇款商业解决方案或正规的赌博app不收取任何交易费用, 虽然你的银行可能会向你收取交易费.


    • Payments include your reference information to ensure your payment reaches your Kettering student account quickly. The transaction will appear in “pending” status on the student account until the funds are received by Kettering.


    一次在KU•ePay, 在“付款”下拉菜单中,输入您想要支付的金额,然后点击CONTINUE. 接下来,从下拉菜单中选择method. 对于国际支付,选择BANK Wire并单击continue. 从那里,按照说明.


    转到正规的赌博app的钱应该是学费, 学生账户上的费用和其他费用. 学费 and fee charges are billed in accordance with the academic terms and are expected to be paid in a timely manner. 请参考KU•ePay查看您学生账户上的最新余额.


    A family wanting to wire money to the student should transfer the funds directly to the student’s personal bank account. Amounts in excess of the balance due on the student cannot be refunded to the student and will be returned to the sender.

    正规的赌博app provides an option for students and authorized users to pay current tuition and related term charges on an installment plan. 学生 enrolled in the installment plan will have their tuition and fees divided into up to four (4) equal installments, 取决于入学日期,每个月将在固定日期到期一次. 学生和授权用户可以通过KU•ePay注册支付计划.


    任何凯特林的本科生或研究生都有资格参加付款计划. 付款计划的登记不是自动的. 学生必须定期参加付款计划.

    注意: 当前参与者不能自动加入付款计划. 学生必须定期重新注册付款计划.



    • 学费
    • 房间
    • 膳食计划


    当参加付款计划时, 您需要在指定的到期日之前提交您的分期付款.


    每学期收取不可退还的注册费. 目前的注册费是45美元.每学期00英镑.


    The installment may be canceled by the student or an authorized user at any time without penalty. 任何付款计划的付款将适用于您的未付费用. 一旦付款计划被取消, 正常的凯特林财务规定和付款时间表将适用.


    如果参加缴费计划的学生退学, the payment plan will be cancelled and any payments made on the payment plan will be applied to outstanding charges on the student’s account. The normal 正规的赌博app refund policy will apply if application of the payments results in a credit balance on the student's account.


    It’s easy to enroll in a payment plan – 学生 and 授权用户 may enroll online through KU•ePay.



    • 登录KU•ePay
    • 从顶部菜单中,选择PAYMENT PLANS
    • 选择现在注册
    • 按照指令


    • 登入Banner自助服务
    • 选择学生帐户
    • 选择KU•ePay
    • 从顶部菜单中,选择PAYMENT PLANS
    • 选择现在注册
    • 按照指令

    大学帐单按月结算. 计费周期之间收取的所有学费和费用均显示在KU•ePay中. Failure to receive an official University eStatement does not relieve any student of responsibility for payment by the due dates.



    • 如果在到期日之前未收到每学期学费和相关费用的全额付款, 逾期付款的罚款将被评估.
    • A financial hold will prevent you from registering and/or receiving an official transcript or diploma.


    A returned check fee may be assessed for payments made by check or online electronic payments processed through KU•ePay. 这些费用将记入学生的账户.


    • A non-refundable $25 administrative fee may be charged for 返回检查 and online payments through KU•ePay.
    • Payments returned may cause holds to be placed on the student account which block future enrollment, 成绩单和文凭被吊销.


    Unpaid amounts may result in financial holds being placed on the student account which block enrollment in the following term, 以及立即屏蔽文凭和成绩单.


    • 可以通知国家信用报告机构.
    • 可能会发生催收机构安置和/或诉讼.
    • 任何收集费用,律师费和法庭费用可能是学生的责任.


    After multiple attempts by the 学生会计处 to collect payment and make payment arrangements with students, 拖欠的账户余额将被收回. 学生将收到邮件通知即将到来的收款活动和他们的选择. Failure to communicate about payment after notifications are sent will result in the transfer of the full account balance to an outside collection agency. 学生将负责账户余额, 此外,费用和信用罚款由收款过程评估.

    For information about refunds of tuition upon withdrawal from courses, see 学费 Refund Schedule.

    学生 may request a refund of a credit balance on their student account by contacting the 学生会计处.


    You will receive an email notification by January 31 informing you that your form is available for viewing.

    • 亲身或邮寄付款


      以现金的形式支付, personal check or money order may be made in person at the 学生会计处 during normal business hours or deposited at any time in the 学生账户 drop box (located outside the 学生会计处). 现金支付只在美国接受.S. 美元. 支票和汇款单必须用美元.S. 美元,从美国银行提款.S. 付款人必须是“正规的赌博app”。. Payment must include the student’s identification number to ensure credit to the student’s account. 不能接受远期支票(带有未来日期的支票).

      如果付款是邮寄的,请允许至少10个工作日的标准美国.S. 邮政服务在到期日之前派递. 请检查您的学生帐户,以确认您的付款已收到. 



      对于所有退回的支票,学生账户将收取25美元的费用, 汇款单和银行汇票. 除了, 返回检查, 汇款单和银行汇票 related to hold releases and registration will result in dis-enrollment.

      收据不能邮寄. 非亲身缴付的款项,将不获发收据.

    • 在线支付- KU•ePay

      正规的赌博app的首选支付方式是通过KU•ePay在线支付. 为了减少在校园内携带现金或纸质支票的风险, 我们建议使用KU•ePay, 它提供使用在美国银行持有的标准支票或储蓄账户进行在线支付的服务.S. 银行免费. This payment method requires you to enter the bank account and routing number and will be processed as an ACH transaction. 可使用信用卡(MasterCard, Visa, 发现和American Express)在线支付. A 2.所有信用卡交易将收取85%不可退还的服务费. Credit card payments will only be accepted at no fee in person for non-tuition and related fees/charges, 比如停车罚款, 图书馆罚款和毕业费. 一旦在线支付流程完成, 付款将实时转到学生账户. 然而, 请注意在系统中断的情况下, online payments will be posted in a batch update process by the evening of the next business day. 也, 如果有资金支持的话, 等待将在流程完成后被释放, 前提是付款符合持有的金额.

      如需个性化帮助,请联系 学生会计处.

    • 如何支付你的帐户

      正规的赌博app接受现金支付, 个人支票, 本票和汇票. 在线支付选择是电子支票(ACH免费)或信用卡(万事达卡), 发现, Visa和美国运通)通过TouchNet PayPath, 第三方在线支付服务.

    • 按期限查看财务历史

      一旦您登录到KU•ePay, you can view financial history by term by selecting “Account Activity” from the “My Account” drop down menu. 点击想要的术语,详细的术语活动将被查看. 可选择打印,下载Excel格式或创建一个 .活动的PDF档案.

    • 如何使用KU•ePay进行网上付款
      1. 登录KU•ePay(通过本页上的学生或授权用户按钮).
      2. 从顶部菜单中,选择MAKE PAYMENT.
      3. Select your payment term and confirm the amount to pay (you may edit the value enclosed in the box to the far right).
      4. 选择所需的付款方式:信用卡通过PayPath, 电子支票(支票/储蓄帐户), 或者银行电汇.
      5. 输入您的银行信息并按照指示授权付款.
    • 国际收支

      Those wishing to make payments to the student account via wire transfer should do so using Western Business Solutions through KU•ePay. This option allows the student and authorized users to pay the student account balance in the local currency and provides a simple and secure way of initiating a payment electronically.

      注意: The 学生会计处 cannot accept a wire transfer in excess of the amount due on the student account. 如果收到的转帐金额超过帐户余额, 多余的金额可能会退还给发件人. (家庭 wanting to provide their student with funds for living expenses should transfer funds directly to the student’s personal bank account).



      • 你用你选择的货币付款,然后这笔金额被转换成美元.S. 美元.
      • The exchange rate quote is locked in for your payment for three (3) business days after the quote is obtained.


      • The exchange rate is very competitive when compared to your financial institution’s retail rates, and bank service fees may be reduced since the wire transfer that you initiate is a local transfer.
      • 西联汇款商业解决方案或正规的赌博app不收取任何交易费用, 虽然你的银行可能会向你收取交易费.


      • Payments include your reference information to ensure your payment reaches your Kettering student account quickly. The transaction will appear in “pending” status on the student account until the funds are received by Kettering.


      一次在KU•ePay, 在“付款”下拉菜单中,输入您想要支付的金额,然后点击CONTINUE. 接下来,从下拉菜单中选择method. 对于国际支付,选择BANK Wire并单击continue. 从那里,按照说明.


      转到正规的赌博app的钱应该是学费, 学生账户上的费用和其他费用. 学费 and fee charges are billed in accordance with the academic terms and are expected to be paid in a timely manner. 请参考KU•ePay查看您学生账户上的最新余额.


      A family wanting to wire money to the student should transfer the funds directly to the student’s personal bank account. Amounts in excess of the balance due on the student cannot be refunded to the student and will be returned to the sender.

    • 分期付款计划

      正规的赌博app provides an option for students and authorized users to pay current tuition and related term charges on an installment plan. 学生 enrolled in the installment plan will have their tuition and fees divided into up to four (4) equal installments, 取决于入学日期,每个月将在固定日期到期一次. 学生和授权用户可以通过KU•ePay注册支付计划.


      任何凯特林的本科生或研究生都有资格参加付款计划. 付款计划的登记不是自动的. 学生必须定期参加付款计划.

      注意: 当前参与者不能自动加入付款计划. 学生必须定期重新注册付款计划.



      • 学费
      • 房间
      • 膳食计划


      当参加付款计划时, 您需要在指定的到期日之前提交您的分期付款.


      每学期收取不可退还的注册费. 目前的注册费是45美元.每学期00英镑.


      The installment may be canceled by the student or an authorized user at any time without penalty. 任何付款计划的付款将适用于您的未付费用. 一旦付款计划被取消, 正常的凯特林财务规定和付款时间表将适用.


      如果参加缴费计划的学生退学, the payment plan will be cancelled and any payments made on the payment plan will be applied to outstanding charges on the student’s account. The normal 正规的赌博app refund policy will apply if application of the payments results in a credit balance on the student's account.


      It’s easy to enroll in a payment plan – 学生 and 授权用户 may enroll online through KU•ePay.



      • 登录KU•ePay
      • 从顶部菜单中,选择PAYMENT PLANS
      • 选择现在注册
      • 按照指令


      • 登入Banner自助服务
      • 选择学生帐户
      • 选择KU•ePay
      • 从顶部菜单中,选择PAYMENT PLANS
      • 选择现在注册
      • 按照指令
    • 日期及截止日期

      大学帐单按月结算. 计费周期之间收取的所有学费和费用均显示在KU•ePay中. Failure to receive an official University eStatement does not relieve any student of responsibility for payment by the due dates.

    • 滞纳金和罚款



      • 如果在到期日之前未收到每学期学费和相关费用的全额付款, 逾期付款的罚款将被评估.
      • A financial hold will prevent you from registering and/or receiving an official transcript or diploma.


      A returned check fee may be assessed for payments made by check or online electronic payments processed through KU•ePay. 这些费用将记入学生的账户.


      • A non-refundable $25 administrative fee may be charged for 返回检查 and online payments through KU•ePay.
      • Payments returned may cause holds to be placed on the student account which block future enrollment, 成绩单和文凭被吊销.
    • 拖欠帐款


      Unpaid amounts may result in financial holds being placed on the student account which block enrollment in the following term, 以及立即屏蔽文凭和成绩单.


      • 可以通知国家信用报告机构.
      • 可能会发生催收机构安置和/或诉讼.
      • 任何收集费用,律师费和法庭费用可能是学生的责任.


      After multiple attempts by the 学生会计处 to collect payment and make payment arrangements with students, 拖欠的账户余额将被收回. 学生将收到邮件通知即将到来的收款活动和他们的选择. Failure to communicate about payment after notifications are sent will result in the transfer of the full account balance to an outside collection agency. 学生将负责账户余额, 此外,费用和信用罚款由收款过程评估.

    • 学费退款

      For information about refunds of tuition upon withdrawal from courses, see 学费 Refund Schedule.

      学生 may request a refund of a credit balance on their student account by contacting the 学生会计处.

    • 使用1098-T表格


      You will receive an email notification by January 31 informing you that your form is available for viewing.